miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010

Tyrants of Self-Concept: ruling the rulers

Este es un libro que llama la atención pues habla de como desarrollar un concepto del yo de manera saludable sin caer en las trampas de las presiones externas, limitaciones de género o clase.

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Tyrants of Self-Concept: ruling the rulers

This book’s purpose is to demonstrate that the mass of men and women do not have to spend their lives limited by the critical voices of mental spectators—those little tyrants rattling around inside their heads, telling them second by second how to fight their battles, what they can and cannot do, what they must and must not do. TYRANTS OF SELF CONCEPT: RULING THE RULERS, exposes gender-loaded beliefs and other social fallacies for what they are—truisms—and informs, then challenges readers to discover how the truisms influence their self-concepts, the totality of their thoughts and feelings about themselves. Readers learn how their mental spectators have become internalized through socialization. Importantly, readers discover the adaptive and beneficial processes of examining the formation of beliefs that lead to negative self-concepts.

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